Associatie Caribische Mediawerkers solidair met Jason Pinas

15 December 2021

In: Nieuws
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Woensdag 15 december 2021- De Associatie van Caribische Mediawerkers (ACM) heeft haar solidariteit uitgesproken aan het adres de Surinaamse journalist Jason Pinas, die tijdens zijn werkzaamheden op 14 december voor het gebouw van De Nationale Assemblee (DNA) mishandeld is door de beveiliging van vicepresident Ronnie Brunswijk. De ACM ondersteunt de Surinaamse Vereniging van Journalisten (SVJ) volledig in deze zaak. De associatie roept de vicepresident op om zijn verontschuldigingen aan te bieden aan Pinas. Als de vicepresident dat nalaat, moet president Chandrikapersad Santokhi sancties treffen tegen Brunswijk, aldus de ACM.

Hieronder een verklaring van de ACM:


The Association of Caribbean Media Workers (ACM) is in solidarity with Surinamese journalist, Jason Pinas, who was assaulted in the course of the performance of his duties outside the National Assembly on December 14. We also stand in full support with the Association of Surinamese Journalists on this matter. The use of the State’s  security apparatus against a journalist in this instance is woefully inappropriate and must be condemned. The action by the bodyguards of Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk must be called into question on the basis of what threat did Mr. Pinas pose to the public official.

This type of action goes back to a dark militaristic era in Suriname that must not be allowed to raise its ugly head again as this can be rightfully construed as an elected dictatorship. The Association of Caribbean Media Workers, therefore, calls on Mr. Brunswijk to publicly apologise to Mr. Pinas. If he fails to do so, then we call on President Chandrikapersad Santokhi to sanction Mr. Brunswijk. The ACM also calls for the return of Mr. Jason Pinas’s cellular phone. As a journalist, he has an inalienable right to confidentiality of sources and this must not be seen to be violated in any form.